Our Apparatus

Engine 1-1
Engine 1-1 is a 2015 Pierce Impel 75' Rear Mounted Quint equipped with a 500 gallon water tank and a 1500 GPM pump. 1-1 is first due to all structural incidents.

Engine 1-4
Engine 1-4 is a 2001 Salusbury/E-One pumper equipped with a 750 gallon water tank and a 1750 GPM pump. 1-4 is first due to all motor vehicle incidents.

Rescue 1
Rescue 1 is a 2009 Pierce Impel Heavy Rescue equipped with an on-board cascade system, prepiped pneumatic lines, and a utility winch. Rescue 1 is first due to all technical rescue incidents.

Chief 1
Chief 1 is a 2015 Ford Expedition support vehicle that serves as a mobile incident command station.

Ford Model A
Our 1929 Ford Model A is the pride of our company. It served us faithfully for many years in the line of duty and now enjoys its retirement as a parade & special event vehicle.